Sycamore Class: Year 5 & 6

A warm welcome to Sycamore Class page! (Y5/6)


Class Teacher: Miss Hocking 

Teaching Partner: Mrs Neeley 


General information 


  • Your child should come to school in their PE kit on Mondays and Tuesdays this half term. This is subject to change on a half termly basis. Our PE kit consists of: a yellow P.E top, blue/black shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers. Please ensure suitable P.E kit is provided in the cold weather. 
  • KS2 SATs begin on the 12th May 2025. There will be SATS information sessions for parents early next year-dates TBC but will be on the school calendar. Year 5 parents are welcome too.
  • Reading diaries must be in school each day. The expectation is that each child will read at home a minimum of three times a week. This will be checked by the class teacher on a Thursday, and it is important that parents sign the diary. 
  • We know there will be secondary school visits this year. Please inform the office as soon as you have any tours booked in, thank you. 


Autumn term 2024


Our theme this term, that will drive our learning, is 'Changing Monarchy'. Where there is a meaningful link, we will connect children’s learning experiences. In History, we will first be looking at how the Magna Carta put into principle that the King and his government were not above the law. After that, we will explore other monarchs and their impact on society. We will become geographers by using digital mapping to explore our local area and how it has changed over time. Then, Sycamore will study worldwide geographical regions and consider how their characteristics will be advantageous to people.

In Science, we will be studying 'Animals including humans' and 'Living things and their habitats.' 

 In Art, we will be focusing on drawing. Year 5 will be learning how to use shades and tones when drawing. Y6 will be building on these skills whilst  thinking deeply about conveying emotions with accuracy and imagination. In D.T, Year 5 will be designing and making 'pop up books' and Year 6 will be designing fabrics by applying a range of stitches and designs. 


In Music, our units are:

Melody and Harmonic Music Y5 (Autumn term 1) 

Developing ensemble skills Y6 (Autumn term 2) 

In R.E, our key questions will be:

U2.1 What does it mean if Christians believe God is holy and loving? 

U2.3 Why do Christians believe Jesus was the messiah? 


In French, our key units are:

Phonics 3 & 4 (Autumn term 1) 

Do you have a Pet? – I (Autumn term 1) 

Family – I (Autumn term 2) 


In PSHE, our key units are:

Being Me In My World (Autumn term 1) 

Celebrating Difference (Autumn term 2) 


In P.E our key units are:

Autumn one: 


Hockey (Y5) 

Autumn two: 


Tag Rugby (Y5) 


Our Computing units are:

Online safety




We have lots of fun theme experiences planned for the term so that the children can immerse themselves within the subject matter and make meaningful connections. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to come and speak to us.