Chestnut Class: Year 4 & 5

Welcome to the Chestnut Class page! 

Class Teacher: Mr Bailey

Teaching Partner: Mrs Wilson

We are thrilled to have your child as part of our learning family this year. Chestnut Class is a vibrant and dynamic group of Year 4 and Year 5 pupils, where curiosity is nurtured, talents are celebrated, and the joy of learning thrives. 

General Information: 

  • Your child should come to school with their PE Kit on Mondays and Thursdays this half term, which may change each half of a term. Our PE Kit consists of a yellow PE top, blue/black shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers. As January and February tend to be cold, please ensure that pupils have warm PE kit for outdoors learning. 

  • Reading diaries must be in school at the beginning of each day. The expectation is that each child will read at home at least three times a week. This will be checked by the class teacher on Fridays. Please make sure parents or guardians sign the diary. 

Our learning: 

This term, Chestnut Class embarks on a multifaceted exploration of North America, integrating various subjects to provide a comprehensive understanding of the continent's rich culture, history, and global influence. In English, pupils will explore North American themes through literature and creative writing, from reimagined classics to insightful non-fiction. Geography lessons will compare the diverse landscapes and communities of the Americas, deepening pupils' global awareness. Science will focus on the “living things and their habitats, while RE lessons will explore cultural diversity and inclusivity within Britain. 

Music classes will encourage creativity and teamwork through the study and composition of various musical styles. French lessons will enhance linguistic skills with practical topics, and PHSE will motivate students to pursue their dreams and goals. DT will introduce American culinary traditions and nutrition, whereas Computing will prepare students for the future with coding and AI concepts. In Art, the focus will be on capturing the dramatic essence of North American tornadoes through painting. 

We are thrilled to start this exciting and thorough learning adventure. We are sure it will help our students gain a better understanding of North America and learn many useful skills in different subjects. 

If you have any questions, please come, and knock on our door. 


These are the books that the class are reading this term.