Welcome to the Chestnut Class page!
Class Teacher: Mr Bailey
Teaching Partner: Mrs Porter and Mrs Callinan
We are thrilled to have your child as part of our learning family this year. Chestnut Class is a vibrant and dynamic group of Year 4 and Year 5 pupils, where curiosity is nurtured, talents are celebrated, and the joy of learning thrives.
General Information:
Your child should come to school with their PE Kit on Mondays and Fridays. Our PE Kit consists of a yellow PE top, blue/black shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers. As January and February tend to be cold, please ensure that pupils have warm PE kit for outdoors learning.
Reading diaries must be in school at the beginning of each day. The expectation is that each child will read at home at least three times a week. This will be checked by the class teacher on Thursday. Please make sure parents or guardians sign the diary.
Our learning:
Our learning in the Spring term:
- In Maths we will build on our learning from the autumn term around Place Value and the 4 operations. Year 4 will focus, addition and subtraction, whilst Year 5 will concentrate on multiplication and potion and direction (geometry).
- In English we will continue to explore 'The Nowhere Emporium'. This will feed into many different writing outcomes such as suspense writing, non chronological reports and poetry.
- In History we will look at ancient Greece. Within these lessons, we will develop our historical skills of chronology, historical enquiry and how primary and secondary sources shape our understanding of the past.
- For our Geography learning, we will explore the similarities and differences in both the human and physical geography of a region of the UK..
- In Art this term, we will be looking at how to create colours and how to create mood in our paintings using shading.
- French this term will have a focus on vegetables and ice-creams.
- For our PSHE learning, we focus on recognising our dreams and goals and how we can take steps towards achieving them. We will also look at how to keep ourselves healthy both inside and out.
- Computing will allow us to make progress with our online safety knowledge as well as developing our knowledge in spreadsheets.
- Our PE learning this term will cover Gymnastics, Orienteering and Swimming.
- Music for this term will give us the opportunity to listen and appraise different types of music, and practice our composing skills and exploring feelings through music.
If you have any questions, please come, and knock on our door.