Welcome to Beech Class page! (Y1/2)
Class Teacher: Miss Hewitt
Teaching Partner: Miss Stopford and Miss Walsh
General information
- Our PE days are on Mondays and Thursdays this half term. This is subject to change on a half termly basis. Our PE kit consists of: a yellow P.E top, blue/black shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers. Please ensure suitable P.E kit is provided in the cold weather.
- Reading diaries must be in school each day. The expectation is that each child will read at home a minimum of three times a week. This will be checked by the class teacher on a Friday, and it is important that parents sign the diary.
Autumn term 2024
Our theme this term, that will drive our learning, is 'Significant Events in History'. Where there is a meaningful link, we will connect children’s learning experiences. In History, we will be looking at the Great Fire of London and Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. Together, we will explore why these events are considered significant and how it has impacted our lives in the present day. In Geography, we will be learning about the countries of the United Kingdom, using atlases and globes to name and locate the countries and their capital cities. We will also compare the physical and human geography across the UK.
In Science, we will be studying 'Plants' and 'Animals, including humans'.
In Art, we will be focusing on drawing. Year 1 will be learning how to convey mood in their pieces through the colours that they choose, as well as starting to explore using different pencils and crayons in their art. Year 2 will be building on these skills whilst also using different grades of pencils, charcoal and pastels to achieve different shades and thicknesses. In DT, we will be exploring how we can use different mechanisms within products that we create such as sliders, levers and axles.
In Music, our units are:
My Musical Heartbeat Y1 (Autumn term 1)
Playing in an Orchestra Y2 (Autumn term 2)
In R.E, our key questions will be:
1.1 What do Christians believe that God is like?
1.3 Why does Christmas matter to Christians?
In PSHE, our key units are:
Being Me In My World (Autumn term 1)
Celebrating Difference (Autumn term 2)
In P.E our key units are:
Autumn one:
Games 1 - Ball Skills (Throwing, Rolling and Catching)
Autumn two:
Games 2 - Striking, Kicking and Dribbling a Ball
Our Computing units are:
Online safety
Animated Storybooks
Technology Outside of School
Effective Searching