Welcome to Beech Class page! (Y1/2)
Class Teacher: Miss Hewitt
Teaching Partner: Miss Stopford and Miss Walsh
General information
- Our PE days are on Mondays and Thursdays this half term. This is subject to change on a half termly basis. Our PE kit consists of: a yellow P.E top, blue/black shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers. Please ensure suitable P.E kit is provided in the cold weather.
- Reading diaries must be in school each day. The expectation is that each child will read at home a minimum of three times a week. This will be checked by the class teacher on a Friday, and it is important that parents sign the diary.
Spring term 2025
In History, we will be looking at the changes within living memory, specifically looking at Transport and Technology. Together, we will explore how change happens in short and long intervals of time and can be gradual or very fast! In Geography, we will be learning about China and comparing its physical and human features to that of the UK.
In Science, we will be studying 'Materials', exploring their properties and suitability for certain jobs.
In Art, we will be focusing on painting. The children will learn how to mix certain colours and how we can tint and tone our paints to achieve the shades that we need. In DT, we will be exploring cooking and nutrition. Children will learn how to prepare ingredients safely and use them in a healthy dish.
In Music, our units are:
Inventing a Musical Story (Spring term 1)
Recognising Different Sounds (Spring term 2)
In R.E, our key questions will be:
1.5 Why does Easter matter to Christians?
1.6 Who is Muslim and how do they live?
In PSHE, our key units are:
Dreams and Goals (Spring term 1)
Healthy Me (Spring term 2)
In P.E our key units are:
Spring one:
Gymnastics 2
Games 3 - Passing, Attacking and Defending
Spring two:
Gymnastics 3
Games 4 - Hockey
Our Computing units are: