Welcome to the Birch Class page!
Class Teacher: Mrs Cole
Teaching Partners: Mrs Wilson and Mrs Gear
We are looking forward to welcoming and getting to know all of the children in Birch class and sharing our journey of learning as the year progresses.
General Information:
Your child should come to school with their PE Kit on Tuesdays and Fridays this term. Our PE Kit consists of a yellow PE top, blue/black shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers. We will have one indoor PE slot and one outdoor PE slot so please ensure your child has suitable clothing for outdoor learning on both days.
Reading diaries must be in school at the beginning of each day. The expectation is that each child will read at home at least three times a week. This will be checked by the class teacher on Fridays. Please make sure parents or guardians sign the diary.
If you have a question, please don't hesitate to ask.
Our learning in the Autumn term:
- In Maths we will focus on securing our knowledge of place value and the 4 operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
- In English we will begin with a focus on the text 'The Demon HeadMaster'. This will feed into many different writing outcomes such as a persuasive advert, a character description, a newspaper report and some poetry.
- In History we will look at Empires and how they have shaped our local area. Within these lessons, we will develop our historical skills of chronology, historical enquiry and how primary and secondary sources shape our understanding of the past.
- For our Geography learning, we will learn how to navigate an atlas and identify key countries and cities within Europe and the UK.
- Our Art lessons will give us the opportunity to develop our drawing skills with a focus on facial expressions and reflections.
- In DT this term, we will design, make and evaluate a product using sewing skills.
- French this term will have a focus on ensuring we say the sounds correctly and use them to pronounce different instruments and seasons.
- For our PSHE learning, we focus on how we can celebrate all our differences and think about how we fit within our own world, allowing us to be the best version of ourselves we can be.
- Computing will allow us to make progress with our online safety knowledge as well as developing out coding and touch typing skills.
- Our PE learning this term will cover Dance, Hockey and Tag Rugby.
- Music for this term will give us the opportunity to listen and appraise different types of music, unpick music structures and come together with a range of instruments while we play together as a band.