Welcome to the Birch Class page!
Class Teacher: Mrs Cole
Teaching Partners: Mrs Wilson and Mrs Gear
We are looking forward to continuing our learning journey with all of the children in Birch class and sharing this learning as the year progresses.
General Information:
Your child should come to school with their PE Kit on Tuesdays and Fridays this term. Our PE Kit consists of a yellow PE top, blue/black shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers. We will have one indoor PE slot and one outdoor PE slot so please ensure your child has suitable clothing for outdoor learning on both days.
Reading diaries must be in school at the beginning of each day. The expectation is that each child will read at home at least three times a week. This will be checked by the class teacher on Thursdays. Please make sure parents or guardians sign the diary.
If you have a question, please don't hesitate to ask.
Our learning in the Spring term:
- In Maths we will build on our learning from the autumn term around the 4 operations and have an added focus on fractions, money and shape
- In English we will begin with a focus on the text 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. This will feed into many different writing outcomes such as poetry, non chronological reports and story writing.
- In History we will look at ancient Egypt. Within these lessons, we will develop our historical skills of chronology, historical enquiry and how primary and secondary sources shape our understanding of the past.
- For our Geography learning, we will learn how to navigate an atlas and identify key countries and cities within Europe and the UK.
- Our Art lessons will give us the opportunity to develop our painting skills with a focus on colour mixing to create both primary and secondary colours.
- In DT this term, we will looking at cooking and nutrition, ensuring we know how to keep ourselves safe when cooking.
- French this term will have a focus on the seasons, vegetables and icecreams.
- For our PSHE learning, we focus on recognising our dreams and goals and how we can take steps towards achieving them. We will also look at how to keep ourselves healthy both inside and out.
- Computing will allow us to make progress with our online safety knowledge as well as developing our knowledge in branching databases.
- Our PE learning this term will cover Gymnastics, netball and tennis.
- Music for this term will give us the opportunity to listen and appraise different types of music, unpick music structures and come together with a range of instruments while we compose music and look at different musical styles