Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy 

 At Callowell  Primary School we are committed to ensuring that each individual pupil receives the very best education allowing them to reach their full potential academically and socially. This belief is reflected in our mission statement and vision:


Our School Vision:

Our vision is to nurture, support  and inspire all our children so that they can thrive in every way.


Our School Aims:

We are committed to creating a positive and caring environment where our children learn to be  resilient, kind, curious and respectful to others and themselves.

We work hard  to equip all our pupils with what they need to flourish in a diverse and  ever changing world.

Our School STAR Values are:

Self Belief   Trust   Aspire   Respect


When deciding how to spend the pupil premium grant it is important that we look at the potential barriers to learning faced by pupil premium pupils in  the context of our school. The reasons for underachievement are many and varied and could include: less support at home; social and emotional difficulties due to complex family situations or attendance and punctuality difficulties. Each child entitled to the pupil premium grant is unique in their situation and our response to their needs must reflect this.

 With this in mind, at Callowell we aim to build the capacity and expertise to enable us to provide a highly personalised programme of support in order to  allow each child to reach his/her full potential.

 Our key objective in using the pupil premium grant is:

  • Narrow the attainment gap between pupil premium an non pupil premium pupils
  • Improve behaviour that can impact negatively on standards
  • Focus on regular attendance and punctuality
  • Promote reading at school and at home 

 We will ensure that:

• A high profile is given to Pupil Premium Pupils

• All staff are accountable for the progress of Pupil Premium children

 The progress and attainment of all pupils at Callowell is carefully tracked and analysed from a rich field of data in order to draw conclusions and develop action plans. We also make use of a wide range of educational research in order to decide how best to spend our funding to maximise the opportunities for our pupils.

You can download our Pupil Premium Strategy document which has more detail on the school's approach to Pupil Premium and how funding will be allocated.