Our School Vison and Values

Our new school vision and aims were created with staff and the school community at the beginning of 2024. It is our shared ambition for the school  aspiration. 

The Callowell School Vision

Our vision is to nurture, support  and inspire all our children so that they can thrive in every way.



We are committed to creating a positive and caring environment where our children learn to be  resilient, kind, curious and respectful to others and themselves.

We work hard  to equip all our pupils with what they need to flourish in a diverse and  ever changing world.

In addition to the vision and aims the school has 5 values which we support the children in understanding.  The values are woven into our curriculum, are high profile around the school and celebrated whenever possible. 


Our school values are:


Self - belief          Trust            Aspiration           Respect