Pine Class: Reception

Welcome to Pine Class (YR)
Class Teacher: Miss Guerrini
Teaching Partner: Miss May
 This half term we will be reading...
Spring Term 1
This half term our focus will be 'Exploring the past'.
We will be focusing on the time of the Dinosaurs! 
We will be continuing the 'Little Wandle' phonics programme, which will support us as we learn to read and write. 
We will also be using Greg Bottrill's 'Drawing Club' to enrich our language skills, develop our fine motor skills and enhance our creativity and imagination. Alongside this we will also be engaging in some focus linked dinosaur writing opportunities. 
In Maths, we will be continuing the CanDo Maths EYFS programme. This will support us as we further develop our number skills including counting, cardinality, ordinality, composition and subitising. Ask us about our 'Maths Mantra'. 
We will also engage in a range of adult-led activities, continuous provision and enhanced provision to support our development across the seven areas of learning and development (communication and language, personal, social and emotional development, physical development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, and expressive arts and design). 
General Information
Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school every day. We will have a PE lesson every Tuesday, but will engage in a range of other physical activities throughout the week including, dough disco, wake and shake, and provision in our outdoor area. We will spend time outside in all weather, so please can you provide a pair of wellingtons to keep at school. 
Please ensure reading books and records are in school every day. Books will be changed every Friday. The expectation is that each child will read at home a minimum of three times a week. Your child will bring home two reading books, the first will be matched to their phonics level and is for you to read together, the second is a picture book for you to read to your child as a shared story. Both books can contribute to your weekly reads. 
Your child can access 'Numbots' at home. Their log in details are recorded in their reading record book. There is no expectation to complete a weekly session, so please use at your own discretion. 
Pine Class will also be taking part in the 'Big Brush Club'. This is a supervised tooth brushing scheme funded by the NHS.