
Computing at Callowell
We aim for all the children at Callowell Primary School to learn how to use technology to further their understanding of the world around them and develop the skills to access a wider world increasingly reliant on technology.
We have a dedicated ICT suite for our Computing lessons and a bank of other devices to support cross-curricular learning.

We follow the Computing Scheme of Work published by Purple Mash (created by 2Simple). It has three main components:

1) Computer Science - Giving the children repeated, practical opportunities to apply and further their understanding of the logic, and algorithms to write computer programs to solve problems.

2) Information Technology - Ensuring the children are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of ICT. This includes lessons on E-Safety.

3) Digital Literacy - Building the confidence of the children's skills using a range of programs to prepare and present their ideas and empowering them to select the most appropriate software to share their work.
All of our children have regularly scheduled time in the ICT suite to enable them to work on the three key areas of the curriculum and develop the skills necessary to interact with the wider world in the future.

E-Safety is an important part of our Computing curriculum. We equip our children with the knowledge and understanding that they need to keep themselves safe in an increasingly digital world. At Callowell, we have regular visits from our local PCSO to ensure that children understand the importance of E-Safety. Here are some useful links for parents and carers to support their children with E-Safety: